MirGeneDB 3.0

14 Gekko japonicus microRNA genes of family LET-7 (all species)
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) Iso­miR 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC To
Gja-Let-7-P1b None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015177027.1 784665 784732 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Let-7-P1c None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015168046.1 856576 856642 - Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Let-7-P1d None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015160857.1 663560 663626 + Gnathostomata Bilateria No 1
Gja-Let-7-P2a1 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015172556.1 1619550 1619621 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2a2 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015176486.1 235245 235315 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes
Gja-Let-7-P2a3 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015173237.1 127969 128039 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes
Gja-Let-7-P2a4 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015171521.1 414730 414800 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2b1 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015172556.1 1619881 1619957 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2b2 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015176486.1 233056 233132 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2b3 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015173237.1 128629 128706 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1 1
Gja-Let-7-P2b4 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015171521.1 414499 414575 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1 1
Gja-Let-7-P2c1 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015172556.1 1620881 1620955 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2c2 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015159718.1 219012 219088 - Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1
Gja-Let-7-P2c3 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None NW_015166421.1 1998905 1998982 + Gnathostomata Bilateria Yes 1

(red - mature/co-mature, blue - star)

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